Hi, I meet a problem when developing a project. My GCC's output format is ELF obj file. But I want to get an a.out format obj file. The objcopy failed because the output ELF obj file contains some sections ( .rodata / .comment) that objcopy can not deal with. So I want to know if I can control the GCC's output format and get the a.out format obj file directly from the GCC's output? I searched the GCC manual but did not find my desired answer. If I can only get an ELF format obj file 1. Can I get rid of .rodata/.comment sections from my ELF obj file? 2. I know objcopy could remove the .comment section from the elf obj file. But I want to know is there any option control the compile procedure that can remove the .comment/.rodata section? Thank you Sincerely yours. Will