Hello, sorry to bother you with a probably silly question but the web pages you offer are really TOUGH to see through if you "just" want to try something with GCJ. My team is working on a big applet to display a lot of graphics as one step in the workflow of a web application, so a lot of server communication involved, too. I have tried using the JET compiler and was successful, but now the size of the native-compiled applet code is a big issue. So I was ordered to investigate further if GCJ could be an alternative. A few months ago when I started this task, I stopped investigating GCJ because your pages seem to say "not much AWT support and no SWING support yet". Now my question before I dig deeper into GCC and GCJ is: Is this statement true? Will I get problems displaying AWT dialog elements and java-2D drawings in a GCJ-generated executable? If so, what is the time frame when those tasks will be addressed in depth? And can you say something about how big an exe would result from a 700KB jar-File with java-classes, i.e. all in all (compiled JDK needed? That is the biggest bunch in the JET results), approximately? Thanks in advance for an answer, I hope I bother you not too much, I very much appreciate the effort that you and others to to open source software, I wish I could spend some of my time on such projects, too. Kind Regards Guido Jansen Software Developer Audatex Systems GmbH Zollstrasse 62, CH-8021 Zürich Tel: +41 (0)44 278 85 97 mailto:guido.jansen@xxxxxxxxxx http://www.audatex.com