GCC Help,
I am trying to help some developers that are using GCC to develop a linux
application that will run on windows. They would like to link into several
functions in a dll that I provide under windows that provides serial
communication in windows.
My build tools for the windows dll is Microsoft C/C++ version 6 Visual
Studio. I create with the Microsoft tools the windows DLL, and
LIB file for linking windows C programs. I obviously also have Microsoft
compliant .def files for the dll and header files. The dll that is created
using the Microsoft tools is linked with the following lib files in its
construction: kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib
advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib
odbccp32.lib winmm.lib.
Now I need to link a simple little .c program to the dll using the gcc
1st approach: use the def file that I already have using the tool to create
a .a file to link to my compiled c program
The command "dlltool -def foo.def -dllname fll.dll -output-lib foo.a"
appears to work, but when I try to use the command
"gcc -o myprog myprog.c -L./ -lfoo" I get an error for each one of the
functions that the program calls in the foo dll that states that they are
2nd approach: create a def file using the gcc tools by..
Echo EXPORTS > foo.def
nm foo.dll | grep ' T _' | sed 's/.* T _//' >> foo.def
This simply tells me that foo.dll has no symbols, even if I use the
Microsoft debug version of the dll.
3rd approach: compile the dll using gcc. Unfortunately there is the issue of
all of the lib files that the dll needs to link with and I have a circular
How can I approach this successfully?
Robert Hansen Crystal Software
329 Fire Lake Road
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
(906) 822-7994
(906) 250-5031 Cell