HI, I was wondering if it is possible to generate dynamic libraries using GNU. I have a program that uses different functions from FORTRAN and from C ( see the content of makefile below), and I would like not to have to recompile and build it every time I change one of the files ( in this particular case the file called SPIRITI.o). Is there any way I can create an executable and still be able to access "modified" functions without having to rebuild the entire project? Thanks Almonleo ************************************* makefile ********************************************* CC=gcc FOR=g77 OBJECTS =dimdef.o \ newmods.o \ comtac.o \ fgnmod.o \ usernl.o \ analyt.o \ devt69.o \ usrfun.o \ hopcod.o \ user10.o \ SPIRIT.o \ CFLAGS = -DUNDERSCORE -O2 FFLAGS = -O2 IMAGE=tpbig.exe LIBRARY = tpbig.a dislin.a -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 .f.o: $(FOR) -c $(FFLAGS) $< .c.o: $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $< $(IMAGE) : $(OBJECTS) $(FOR) -s -o $(IMAGE) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBRARY) ************************************************************************ ********************************