Hello There I have some problems with some C++ code and the g++ compiler. I have two Suse Linux machines running on two different computers let me give you the info for each one Machine One -------------------------- OS: SuSE 10.0 Arcitecture: AMD Athlon 64 2200 RAM: 512 MB Motherboard: Asus K8E SE G++ Version: 4.0.2 GNU GLibC: 2.3.5-40 Machine Two -------------------------- OS: SuSE 10.0 Arcitecture: Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz RAM: 512 MB Motherboard: ??? G++ Version: 4.0.2 GNU GLibC: 2.3.5-40 Identical SW platform, however one uses the 64 bt architecture. So some HW differences. Now the problem was that the Code was developed on Machine one and ran with no problems. However when it is ran on machine Two I get the following error very early in the code: *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x080da638 *** Aborted I can't seem to find the offending pointer 0x080da638. Memory leaks and array out of bound errors should not be there since it worked on Machine One. I've combed through my code several times to find something. Yet I get nothing. Could you help me out on where I can go to solve this problem. I would like code from machine one to work on machine two for obvious reasons. Thanks for any help you have to offer. Mike