I too find it hard to believe. After all, gcc and g++ are
essentially the same compiler. I would find it odd that there are
optimizations in gcc that are not in g++.
I've used C for 20 years. I've used C++ for about 20 days. The
template syntax in particular I use to find terribly confusing. But
if you immerse yourself in it, I found that I am very quickly
beginning to read the template code as naturally as if it were C code.
On Feb 16, 2006, at 10:22 AM, random@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Jim Stapleton wrote:
Yes it does, but it makes things easier for people who use C.
Also, I've seen a few tests where the same app compiled in both C &
C++ ran faster in C, even though the source was identical.
Can you produce any? I've seen lots of people see these tests, and
been able to find any of them myself.