Hello, I am working a product which is built on solaris 2.7 / 2.8 / 2.9. We are using gcc 3.2.3. Our program is developed in C and C++ . When I try to compile my program, by default it links libstdc++ and libgcc dynamically. While deploying this program, we are required to make sure that all the production machines have gcc 3.2.3 installed on them. We want to avoid this dependency. Thus we tried to link both the libraries ( libstdc++ and libgcc ) statically. But from different websites, we found that statically linking these libraries is not recommended, as some of the C++ features may not be properly working, for eg. RTTI , exception handling, dynamic_cast etc. I would like to know that, are these claims correct. Are there any problems in statically linking these libraries? Regards , Avinash Tarte __________________________________________ Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. dsl.yahoo.com