I'm currently trying to build a project for iMotes using tinyos. This
requires compiling C code using arm-thumb-elf-gcc, but then linking the
object files using the ARM ADS armlink tool. Currently, the linking step
fails with this error:
Fatal error: L6042U: Relocation #0 in main.exe.o(.text) is wrt a mapping
symbol(#2, Last Map Symbol = #20).
I'm using the binary release of arm-elf-gcc version 3.4 from gnuarm.com,
and ARM ADS 1.2. According to the ARM documentation, this error usually
indicates that something has gone wrong on the compiler side, but I'm
not sure what I can do to fix this. The only other clue I notice is that
files created by arm-thumb-elf-gcc have a filetype of:
ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, ARM, version 1 (ARM), not stripped
While files created by armcc have:
ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
Even the smallest suggestion would be helpful for me, at this point.