GAMESS (General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System) is
written in FORTRAN mainly. But there are some important routines written
in C. One of those contains the following code with calls to getarg and
iargc :
/* ----------------------------------------- *\
Extern subroutines from FORTRAN libraries
\* ----------------------------------------- */
extern int iargc_();
extern char *getarg_(int *,char *,int);
/* ---------------------------- *\
FORTRAN Wrapper for DDI_Init
\* ---------------------------- */
void F77_Init() {
int i,j,lenmax=256,argc=iargc_();
char **argv = NULL;
char arg[256];
STD_DEBUG((stdout," DDI: Entering F77 DDI_Init.\n"))
/* -------------------------- *\
Get command line arguments
\* -------------------------- */
if(argc) {
argv = Malloc(argc*sizeof(char*));
for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
for(j=0; j<256; j++) arg[j]=' ';
# if defined CRAY
# else
# endif
for(j=0; j<256 && arg[j] != ' '; j++);
arg[j] = 0;
argv[i] = (char *) strdup(arg);
MAX_DEBUG((stdout," DDI: Calling DDI_Init.\n"))
That worked up to gcc-3.4.4. With gcc-4.0.2 getarg and iargc produce the
error messages undefined reference to.. at the linking stage. I have tried
the new versions of these commands supposedly to be used in gfortran
without success. Can anybody help me with the correct way to modify the
getarg and iargc statements in this code.
Thanks for your help
Dr. Germund Hojer
Depto. Fisica y Quimica Teorica
Facultad de Quimica