A workaround, and prehaps not the kind of solution you are waiting for:
Adjust your makefiles to create all the objectfiles in one directory. Then
you can pass only the filenames of your objects to the linker. That should
save some characters on your command line.
I can't help you with the use of an input file, sorry.
Kurt Dirix.
From: David Lamy-Charrier <david.lamy@xxxxxxxxx>
To: gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: How to avoid Max Command line size on Windows
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 15:04:24 +0100
I am using GCC on Windows XP Professionnal which has a limit on
command line size at 8192 Bytes.
Unfortunately, with a lot of include paths and defines on the compile
line and a lot of object files paths on the linker line, I reached
this 8 KB limit very easily.
So, I am wondering if there is a way to pass all arguments to GCC in a file
(I know that Microsoft cl.exe support this feature)
I saw the CPATH environment variable that I may use to specify the
include paths but it would not completely solve my problem (especially
for the linking stage)...
Did anyone of you already encounter (and solve ;-) ) this problem ?
Thanks in advance,
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