hello, does anyone know how the latest GNU Fortran95 (g95) behaves in ClusterKnoppix (or OpenMosix)? Do some g95 statements which already enable automatic division of processes across processors, like for example FORALL statement, which is integrated in g95 itself (without the need to link to external library), do that once ClusterKnoppix or OpenMosix are installed or will they make use of only one node? Is it enough to just install binary g95 to ClusterKnoppix or OpenMosix machine and then statements like FORALL make use of all nodes or do I have to compile g95 source in ClusterKnoppix or OpenMosix? Will g95 statements like FORALL actually distribute across nodes in ClisterKnoppix or OpenMosix or not (without linking to any external library)? thank you for your help regards, Luke ____________________ http://www.email.si/