We need to distinguish between handwritten assembler and compiled code
in order to make assumptions on the behaviour of the code in our
link-time optimizer (http://www.elis.ugent.be/diablo). We want to know
if a certain piece of code adheres to calling conventions etc.
In the past we patched the default invoke_as spec in gcc/gcc.c as
follows to do it:
static const char *invoke_as =
-"%{!S:-o %{|!pipe:%g.s} |\n as %(asm_options) %{!pipe:%g.s} %A }";
+"%{!S:-o %{|!pipe:%g.s} |\n\
+%{!pipe:perl -e open(I,\"<%g.s\");open(X,\">%g.sa\");\
+while(<I>){print\\ X\\ $_;\
+print\\ X\\ \"\\\\$compiler$i:\\\\n\"\\ if\\ /^.NO_APP/;\
+print\\ X\\ \"\\\\$handwritten$i:\\\\n\"\\ if\\ /^.APP/;\
+$i++;}close(I);close(X);rename(\"%g.sa\",\"%g.s\"); }\n\
+%{pipe:perl -e while(<>){print;\
+print\\ \"\\\\$compiler$i:\\\\n\"\\ if\\ /^.NO_APP/;\
+print\\ \"\\\\$handwritten$i:\\\\n\"\\ if\\ /^.APP/;\
+$i++;} } |\n\
+as %(asm_options) %{!pipe:%g.s} %A }";
This runs the compiler output through perl and inserts textual symbols
in the assembly. This way the assembler later on inserts the necessary
symbols in the output file.
In gcc-4.0.1 this patch doesn't work anymore. In gcc/gcc.c this now
looks like:
static const char *invoke_as =
"%{!S:-o %|.s |\n\
%{!pipe:perl -e open(I,\"<%g.s\");open(X,\">%g.sa\");\
while(<I>){print\\ X\\ $_;\
print\\ X\\ \"\\\\$compiler$i:\\\\n\"\\ if\\ /^.NO_APP/;\
print\\ X\\ \"\\\\$handwritten$i:\\\\n\"\\ if\\ /^.APP/;\
$i++;}close(I);close(X);rename(\"%g.sa\",\"%g.s\"); }\n\
%{pipe:perl -e while(<>){print;\
print\\ \"\\\\$compiler$i:\\\\n\"\\ if\\ /^.NO_APP/;\
print\\ \"\\\\$handwritten$i:\\\\n\"\\ if\\ /^.APP/;\
$i++;} } |\n\
as %(asm_options) %|.s %A }";
"%{!S:-o %|.s |\n as %(asm_options) %m.s %A }";
After a configure:
../configure --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=i686-linux
--disable-threads --enable-languages=c
_gc401_gl235/ --disable-shared
and make, I get this error message:
xgcc: braced spec '!pipe:perl -e
open(I,"<%g.s");open(X,">%g.sa");while(<I>){print\ X\ $_;print\ X\
"\\$compiler$i:\\n"\ if\ /^.NO_APP/;print\ X\ "\\$handwritten$i:\\n"\
if\ /^.APP/;$i++;}close(I);close(X);rename("%g.sa","%g.s"); }
%{pipe:perl -e while(<>){print;print\ "\\$compiler$i:\\n"\ if\
/^.NO_APP/;print\ "\\$handwritten$i:\\n"\ if\ /^.APP/;$i++;} } |
as %(asm_options) %|.s %A' is invalid at '('
This previously worked for gcc-3.3.2. From the documentation I
understood that the specs substition rules have been extended and that
';' has a special meaning inside %{}
Does anyone knows how to work around this problem?
Or even better, does anyone knows how to patch the GNU assembler to emit
symbols when it reads in #APP and #NO_APP?
Thanks in advance,
Ludo Van Put