I have been searching for some info for some time, but since i could not
find any reasonable answers and hence my post.
My situation is like this.
I have my structs like this
struct loop_x {
uint16_t loop_x_elem_1: 12;
uint16_t loop_x_elem_2: 4;
uint8_t loop_x_elem_3: 1;
uint8_t loop_x_elem_4: 2;
uint8_t loop_x_elem_5: 4;
uint8_t loop_x_elem_6: 1;
struct loop_y {
uint8_t loop_y_elem_1;
uint8_t loop_y_elem_2;
struct loop_x *loop_x_elem_2;
struct abc {
uint16_t block_length;
uint8_t elem_1: 2;
uint8_t elem_2: 5;
uint8_t elem_3: 1;
struct loop_x *loop_x_elem_1;
struct loop_y *loop_y_elem_2;
Here block_length refers to the entire length of the block in bytes.
So in my application i can do a
storage = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * block_length);
which will allocate all my storage needs.
Now, i am trying to parse a stream and store the parsed details into the
So would i be right in the case that i cast the allocated memory to the
required struct to do the storage ?
for parsing the the first part, ie struct abc,
i would cast memory to struct abc and parse struct abc,
I now know how many bytes i have parsed, to parse struct loop_x.
i would cast memory from the offset of struct abc (since i know how many
bytes i already parsed) to struct loop_x and a similar way for struct
loop_y too.
Would it be correct, if i do it in this fashion ? The reason for my
question is to avoid multiple malloc() calls, as malloc() would be quite
expensive on the CPU cache (especially on small/embedded systems) and
hence my question.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.