How can one implement single line conditional compile macros with GCC? Instead of having: #ifdef OPT1 <valid C line> #endif Having something like: IFOPT1 <valid C line> The following works with BorlandC, but not GCC: #ifdef OPT1 #define IFOPT1 #else #define IFOPT1 /##/ #endif I understand why it does not work - I am looking for a solution, not an explanation :) =============================================== Gerrit van Niekerk GP van Niekerk Ondernemings BK Roosstraat 211, Meyerspark, 0184, South Africa Tel: +27(12)8036501 Fax SA: 0866 413 555 Fax Int'l: +12(06)2034131 Email: gerritvn@xxxxxxxxxxx Web: ===============================================