Hi Alexey,
>Please re-read the quote from the 'info cpp': cpp should have started the search with the directory _after_ the one containing syslimits.h
I did read it, and that appears to be exactly what is happening in your example.
>Any clues?
[1] Your y.c source [2] <gcc-include-dir>/limits.h starts [3] <gcc-include-dir>/limits.h about to include a new file [4] <gcc-include-dir>/syslimits.h starts-and-completes [5] <gcc-include-dir>/limits.h resumes [6] <gcc-include-dir>/limits.h about to include a new file [7] /usr/include/limits.h starts [8] /usr/include/limits.h about to include a new file
HTH, --Eljay