Dear All! Currently I writing SPARC code on x86 wintel host. The target is a SPARC v8. My environment has old SPARC GCC cross-compiler dated 98 year. I dissatisfied with current compiler, because of its poor optimizations for performance. I suppose during 1998-2005 years GCC has significantly increased optimizations for speed, so a good idea to ugrade my compiler with a newer one. The problem I examined for "sparc" and found nothing related. On the other side, my current compiler is really gcc. Please excuse me for not original questions: 1. where i can get GCC compiler sources targeted for SPARC, and (possibly) 2. how to build on x86 (win) based environment (or i should looking to *nix)? Please help me with any siggestion, i not a *nix programmer, nevertheless seems I good enough to compile cross-gcc for myself.