Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
Dan Kegel <dank@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
| I'm trying to port somebody else's code from g++-2.95.3 to g++-3.4.1, but am
| running into template problems with STL algorithms and ptr_fun(isspace<char>).
| Compiling the following snippet:
| #include <cctype>
| #include <functional>
| #include <algorithm>
| #include <deque>
| #include <locale>
| using namespace std;
| int main ()
| {
| char init[7] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
| deque<char> d(init, init+7);
| find_if (d.begin(), d.end(), ptr_fun(isspace<char>));
The code is wrong because it pulls in two version of isspace
* one in <cctype> -- the traditional C function;
* another in <locale> -- the C++ only version that takes two
arguments: the locale and the character.
and then is trying to use the second version in place of the first.
- Dan
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