Hi everyone,
I hope the following issue hasn't been reported too many times...
The following code used to compile fine with gcc 3.3 (linux x86), but doesn't anymore with gcc 3.4 (just as a hint, it seems to compile fine with Comeau) :
template<class T1,int N1> class Class { public: template<class T2,int N2> T2 function( T2 param ); };
template<> template<class T2,int N2> T2 Class<int,1>::function( T2 param ) { // line 11 return param * N2; }
int main() { Class<int,1> instance; return instance.function<char,4>( 12 ); }
This produces the following output:
test-gcc34.cpp:11: error: template-id `function<>' for `T2 Class<int, 1>::function(T2)' does not match any template declaration test-gcc34.cpp:11: error: erreur de syntaxe before `{' token
It works if we add the specialized declaration of the class "Class":
template<> class Class<int,1> { public: template<class T2,int N2> T2 function( T2 param ); };
but this can be painful if "Class" contains a lot more members.
It also works if "function" is only templated by one argument :
template<> template<class T2> T2 Class<int,1>::function( T2 param ) { // line 11 return param * 2; }
Does anyone have a clue about what's going on ? Is this a bug or did we missed something ?
-- Boris Dorès Buf Compagnie