I have tried to compile some functions in conio.h using and i am using MINGW and got some error message that told me that there were undefined references to all of the conio.h functions that i used. Is there any library that i should specify on the command line? Please help me.
I did a Windows 'Search' of the MinGW '.a' files for the strings '_cputs' and '_cscanf'. Both searches turned up the following 7 files:
libcrtdll.a, libmsvcr70.a, libmsvcr70d.a, libmsvcr71.a, libmsvcr71d.a, libmsvcrt.a, and libmsvcrtd.a.
I don't know just which of those you link to ... or if it matters ... or if it's even definite that it has to be one of those files.
I'd opt for -lmsvcrt but there's no guarantee that's correct :-)
Try a MinGW-specific list if you don't get a satisfactory answer here.
Cheers, Rob