Hi, I'm currently porting a Windows application to Linux. After some easy issues the code compiled fine wiht gcc 3.3.1 But mysteriously the code didn't do what I expected it to do. After some time I found that widecharacters (wchar_t) are 4 bytes in all GNU systems instead of the expected 2 bytes. With setting the flag -fshort-wchar this problem was solved but another one arose. Now most glibc functions handling widecharacters don't work properly anymore. (currently I'm converting them back and forth to the value needed ) I'm looking for a better of handling this: perhaps enabling functions like wcscmp(...) to handle 2byte widecharacters. ( 2byte widecharacters are NEEDED because of pointer arithmetic in the application ). Any help is appreciated. Klaus -- NEU +++ DSL Komplett von GMX +++ http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl GMX DSL-Netzanschluss + Tarif zum supergünstigen Komplett-Preis!