Hello, I'm triying to link a dinamic library with gcc v3.4.2. I've linked it with v2.95 and I had no problems, but with the 3.4.2 version when I link the .so library and I type the nm command (i.e. nm ___.so) I receive this output: [104] | 0| 0|FUNC |GLOB |0 |UNDEF |__gxx_personality_v0 I've readed that between the 2.95 and 3.4.2 version there's a difference in the namespace table. I'm linking with this options: Makefile: -------------------------------------------- CC_CMD=g++ -DNET_SSL -DSOLARIS -D_REENTRANT -DXP_UNIX -DMCC_HTTPD -fPIC -Wall LD_SHAREDCMD=ld -G -fPIC -shared SIA_UTILS=../utils INCLUDEDIR=../nsapi_include/ INCLUDE_FLAGS=-I$(INCLUDEDIR) -I. PATH_LIBS=-L../libs LIBS = -lildap IN_files = base64.cpp rc4.cpp test.c IN_OBJS = base64.o rc4.o test.o in: $(CC_CMD) $(INCLUDE_FLAGS) -c $(IN_files) $(LD_SHAREDCMD) $(IN_OBJS) $(PATH_LIBS) $(LIBS) -o in.so clean: rm *.o *.so $(EXTRA_CLEAN) -------------------------------------------- My library uses c and c++ code. Which options should I use. Thank you very much for your help. Regards, Ricardo. ______________________________________________ Renovamos el Correo Yahoo!: ¡100 MB GRATIS! Nuevos servicios, más seguridad http://correo.yahoo.es