Hi Lalit Seth,
Your question is off-topic for this forum.
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For doing something like: gmake debug ...and... gmake release
Do something like this near the beginning of your makefile: ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),debug) BUILD:=debug endif ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),release) BUILD:=release endif ifeq ($(findstring $(BUILD),debug release),) $(error BUILD=$(BUILD) is unknown, must be BUILD=release or BUILD=debug) endif
And this near the end: .PHONY : debug release debug: all release: all
And you can use the $(BUILD) variable to determine what compiler settings you want, and what directory you want to put your build files.
As given, "make clean" will fail; but "make BUILD=debug clean" will succeed. You could either put in a "BUILD:=debug" as the default (near the very top of the makefile), so "make" will always do a BUILD:=debug by default.
Or, you may want to add a "BUILD:=clean" option that cleans both debug and release interim generated files.
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However, I highly recommend that you DO NOT do that. Instead, I recommend you do:
gmake BUILD=debug
gmake BUILD=release
Using "debug" and "release" as targets is counter-intuitive to the make paradigm. In my opinion.
HTH, --Eljay