Hi Hajek,
The problem is of the File System rather than with your program. Im not good at C++, but looking at the error SIGXFS2, I feel, its the limit thats set on your machine as the file-size-limit. Try checking to increase your file-size-limit. By the way, gdb might confirm my answer (it says something like "File size limit exceeded").
Regards, Harsha.
Hajek, Janus wrote:
I'm not sure where to send this question, so I apologize if this is not the right place.
I'd like to work with files that are larger than 2GB.
This is my sample program :
#include <iostream> #include <fstream>
using namespace std;
typedef long long int filePos;
int main (int argc, char **argv){
filePos vel=0; cout.precision(10);
fstream soubor("testFileSizeSoubor.jh",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::trunc);
#define BUFSIZE 1024*1024*128 #define COUNT 8*3
char* buffer=new char[BUFSIZE]; if(buffer==0) throw std::bad_alloc();
for(int i=0;i<COUNT;i++){ soubor.write(buffer,BUFSIZE); vel=soubor.tellp().get_fpos_t(); cout << (double) vel << endl; }
delete[] buffer; soubor.close();
return 0; }
When the file size grows above 2GB I'm getting SIGXFS2 on file size limit. Is it a problem of OS or libstdc++ or my code?
Thank you
Best regards Janus Hajek
* Sriharsha Vedurmudi
* Software Engineer
* * Redpine Signals Inc.
* Gate #395, Plot 87,88
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* Hyderabad - 500 034
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