"Buck-C" <buck-c@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > From where do I download GCC for Windows in a usable format? cygwin.com > Does GCC or any other freely licensed version have a GUI interface such as > MS Visual C? gcc does not. There are various GUI interfaces which use gcc. I don't happen to know of any freely licensed ones which run easily on Windows, but doubtless there are some. > Is GCC a good compiler on which to learn C? As good as any other, I suppose. > What all do I need to download and install to have a complete and usable > compiler? See cygwin.com. > What don't I know to ask? If you want your general programming practice to carry over to GNU/Linux, stick to the command line. If you only care about knowledge of C/C++, you don't really have to use gcc on Windows. Your C/C++ knowledge will carry over from MS compilers to gcc reasonably well. You should be aware that library support is different on Windows and GNU/Linux, and that library support is a huge part of the C/C++ languages. There is a common subset, but there is also a vast amount of Windows specific functionality which is not available on GNU/Linux. This applies whether you use command line or GUI. Ian