>The builds are too long.
Some builds take a long time.
There are several techniques you can employ to reduce build times.
+) In your header files, try to use forward references where possible, instead of including the header files.
+) To improve on #1, make "header-header" files. These files contain the forward references, and maybe a smattering of other public facilities (such as enums). Use the header-headers in your header files. The header that that the header-header represents should be the first thing included by the actual header file.
+) Put guards in all your header files.
+) Include all the headers (or header-headers) that your header or source file requires. Do not include anything beyond that!
+) Do not make "kitchen sink header files", which include everything.
+) Used the "pointer-to-implementation" technique (the "pimpl pattern"), to reduce rebuild time.
+) Follow Lako's suggestions, Large-Scale C++ Software Design <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201633620>.
+) Follow Peter Miller's suggestions, Recursive Make Considered Harmful <http://www.tip.net.au/~millerp/rmch/recu-make-cons-harm.html>.
HTH, --Eljay