You were almost there! Just a little syntax tweak for your separate definition of your member function of your explicit template specialization for pair<int>::module. (See below.)
Also, I changed the return statement on your general pair template pair::module to something more suitable.
Caution, there is a std::pair. Your ::pair is okay, but could be a little better protected by putting your pair class in your own namespace. Or, make sure you never do a "using namespace std" anywhere (I disparage "pulling in the std uberverse namespace" on general principle).
HTH, --Eljay
------------------------------- #include <iostream> using std::cout;
template <class T> class pair { T value1; T value2; public: pair(T first, T second) { value1 = first; value2 = second; } T module() { return T(); } };
template <> class pair<int> { int value1; int value2; public: pair(int first, int second) { value1 = first; value2 = second; } int module(); };
int pair<int>::module() { return value1 % value2; }
int main() { pair<int> myints(100, 75); pair<float> myfloats(100.0, 75.0); cout << myints.module() << '\n'; cout << myfloats.module() << '\n'; }