Hi, could someone please explain me the meaning of "request for member `sendMessage' in 'this->Sender::theConnector', which is of non-aggregate type `Connector*'"? In the following code I created an object Connector called theConnector. Then when I created an object Sender called theSender, I passed a pointer to theConnector as a parameter. I thought it would allow the to use theConnector object inside theSender, but for some reason it is not working. Thanks, Andre ------------------------------------------------- main.cpp: #ifndef MAIN # define MAIN # include "main.h" #endif int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char theMessage[ 256 ]; Connector theConnector; Sender theSender( &theConnector ); bzero( theMessage, 256 ); theConnector.establishConnection( "", 25 ); theConnector.receiveMessage( theMessage, 255 ); printf( "%s\n", theMessage ); theSender.sendHELO(); theConnector.receiveMessage( theMessage, 255 ); printf( "%s\n", theMessage ); theConnector.closeConnection(); return ( EXIT_SUCESS ); } ____________________________________________ Sender.h: #ifndef STRING # define STRING # include <string.h> #endif #ifndef CONNECTOR # define CONNECTOR # include "Connector.h" #endif class Sender { public: Sender(){}; Sender( Connector * newConnector ); ~Sender(){}; int setOrigin( const char * newOrigin ); int setDestiny( const char * newDestiny ); int setData( const char * newData ); int sendHELO(); int sendMAILFROM(); int sendRCPT(); int sendDATA(); private: char theOrigin[ 256 ], theDestiny[ 256 ], theData[ 256 ]; Connector * theConnector; }; _____________________________________________ Sender.cpp: #ifndef SENDER # define SENDER # include "Sender.h" #endif int Sender::sendHELO() { theConnector.sendMessage( "HELO test" ); } _________________________________________________ Connector.h: class Connector { public: Connector(){}; ~Connector(){}; int establishConnection( const char * theMailServerName, int thePortNumber ); int sendMessage( const char * theMessage ); int receiveMessage( char * theMessage, int theMessageLength ); int closeConnection(); private: int sockfd; }; __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com