On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 12:00:22PM +0530, Sukalpa Chanda wrote: > Hi, > I am a linux fanatic from india , I have got redhat linux > 7.3(original not pc quest version) in my pc , but i want to add kernel > downloaded from www.kernel.org) to it , why not use the latest 2.4 version of the kernel? (2.4.26) Or, if you don't have any objections (such as a special device which is not yet supported) just use a 2.6 kernel... > but the existing gcc > (version 2.96) was unable to compile it, Redhat's GCC 2.96 was never able/useful to compile a kernel, AFAIK. Instead, Redhat included a special compiler called kgcc (for "kernel gcc") in its 7.x distributions for the single purpose of compiling a kernel with it. On Redhat 7.3 it comes in a package called "compat-egcs-6.2-". > i tried with an rpm of gcc 2.95 , > it has failed also. What do you mean? Did it fail to compile the kernel or fail to install? > only it got compiled in a pc with redhat linux 8. i > checked the version of gcc there, it is 3.2 there. But I could`nt find any > rpm of gcc 3.2 for redhat linux 7.3. AFAIK, there is no RPM of GCC version 3.x for Redhat 7.3. However, you may as well install it yourself from sources. Read the install instructions here: http://gcc.gnu.org/install/. -- claudio