"Stevens, Peter" <StevensP@xxxxxxxxxx> writes: > I have successfully built a cross compiler tool chain for ARM-Linux. But, I have a few questions about how to > "properly" test it. Given the fact that GCC and it's related tools include testsuites, I would like to use them. Thing > is, my target hardware platform wont arrive for awhile and I would like to begin testing the tool chain before it does. > I have seen/read documents describing the use of GDBs simulator to test the toolchain, but I am still abit confused as > to how/ or if this is even possible given my current setup. > > Host Platform: x86 running RedHat > Target Platform: Intel Development Board with PXA27X processor > > Toolchain Versions: GCC 3.3.2 > GLibC 2.3.2 > Bin Utilities 2.14 > > >From what I understand, if I want to test with the cpu simulator, I will have to replace glibc with newlib and set my > build target to arm-elf. I'm not intamitly familar with the differences between newlib/glibc and arm-elf/arm-linux. > Why might these changes be needed ? What does arm-elf/nelib buy me that arm-linux/glibc cannot ? > > If anybody speak from experience about how to best test a toolchain (without the hardware), it would be greatly > appreciated. Try emailing the crossgcc list: crossgcc at sources.redhat.com