As for the -O0 flag, I posted the wrong trace file. In the release trees, we use -O2 -g -finline-limit=2750 on all versions, all platforms. My bad.
Brian D. McGrew { brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx || pacemakertaker@xxxxxxxxx }
> YOU! Off my planet!
On Apr 27, 2004, at 7:45 AM, llewelly@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Brian D. McGrew <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Good morning,
We have a software tree that we compile for Solaris Sparc and Linux X86. There are several versions this software that we support, 4.5.3 and 4.7 are still our current versions. We compile up 4.5.3 for Solaris and Linux with gcc-295. 4.7 is compiled with gcc-32.
The problem that we're seeing is this: 4.5.3 and 4.7 run almost the same speed on Linux. However, on Solaris Sparc 4.5.3 runs about 10x faster than the Linux version.
Could you rephrase this? I can't tell whether you mean '4.5.3 on solaris is 10 times faster than 4.7 on solaris', or '4.5.3 on solaris is 10 times faster than 4.5.3 on linux'.
All the compile lines and complier options are the same (and quoted at the bottom of this message).
Can someone shed some light on to why me might be seeing this problem?
Maybe you should try a profiler?
The compile line that I pasted is from our Linux build. The only differences between Solaris and Linux is the -mtune=ultrasparc and -mcpu-v8 options on Sparc.
Any ideas???
Brian D. McGrew { brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx || pacemakertaker@xxxxxxxxx } --YOU! Off my planet!
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Brian D. McGrew" <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: April 27, 2004 6:53:24 AM PDT To: brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: GCC
/usr/local/gnu/gcc-332/bin/g++ -c -fPIC -g -O0 -DALGODEBUG^^^ If performance is important this could be a problem.