JOLY Loic <loic.joly@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
It shows that gcc does not handle the IEEE 754 standard on this platform, even if support for this standard is available on this processor (The same program run on win/mscv on the same computer shows handling for IEEE754).
Is there any compiler flag, or anything, to make gcc compatible with this standard?
Yes; get a current version of gcc. Compiled with gcc 3.3.3, your program prints:
is IEEE754 = 1 has infinity = 1 infinity > 100 ? 1 infinity= inf
Great. I will look if I can make my team upgrade.
which shows that it implements IEEE754 at least well enough to pass the trivial test you used on the other compiler.
Is there any (good) reason why gcc is not and will never be compliant?
It has always been the intent of the gcc team to implement relevant standards such as IEEE754, ISO 14882, posix, etc. However
these standards are extrodinarily complex, and like other
implementors, the gcc team has finite resources. If you find any
bugs, please report them, see . They will be
pleased if you do, and make every effort to fix them.
So 'will never' has always been false, and 'is not' is false at least with respect to your test case. (though other bugs remain) The result is that you appear to be either deliberately insulting, grossly ignorant, or both. So in the future, please avoid statements that appear to make such statements.
I am sorry if I did not make my point clear. English is not my natural language. I just tried to explore with my questions all possible cases. I never tried to be insulting.
I asked wether :
- It was there but I did not know how to activate it
- It was not there but it was going to come soon ("is not") (and it appears that this was the case)
- It was not there and was never going to be there ("will not be") (probably for a good reason, such as bad support from the FPU)
It is true when I read back my mail, especially when you separate the two questions that were in the same paragraph, my wording may be understood differently that what I intended.
-- Loïc
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