I want to compile a C program that use leds at AT91EB40A board using gcc on cygwin, but it does't compile. It show this errors messages: In file included from /home/admin/gcctest/gcctest1/gcctest1.c:17: /usr/local/arm/lib/gcc-lib/arm- elf/2.95.3/include/io.h:35: syntax error before ` extern' /home/admin/gcctest/gcctest1/gcctest1.c:18: syntax error before `typedef' This the C program code: /* Title: AVR-GCC test program #1 for the STK200 eva board Author: Volker Oth Date: 4/1999 Purpose: Flashes the LEDs on Port B with a hard coded delay loop needed Software: AVR-GCC needed Hardware: ATS90S8515/8535/2313/mega on STK200/STK300 board Note: To contact me, mail to volkeroth@xxxxxx You might find more AVR related stuff at my homepage: http://members.xoom.com/volkeroth */ #include<io.h> typedef unsigned char u08; int main( void ) { u08 led, i, j, k, DDRB, PORTB; outp(0xff,DDRB); /* use all pins on PortB for output */ led = 1; /* init variable representing the LED state */ for (;;) { outp(~led, PORTB); /* invert the output since a zero means: LED on */ led <<= 1; /* move to next LED */ if (!led) /* overflow: start with Port B0 again */ led = 1; for (i=0; i<255; i++) /* outer delay loop */ for(j=0; j<255;j++) /* inner delay loop */ k++; /* just do something - could also be a NOP */ } } Can somebody tell me what is happening? and how i fix it? Thankyou Wellington Brazil __________________________________________________________________________ Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela. AntiPop-up UOL - É grátis! http://antipopup.uol.com.br/