Hi! I'm a newbie concerning Linux, but I have to write a C multithread application. Unfortunately I have a Segmention Fault and I can't find the error. I tried with GDB to debug it, but I get always "Couldn't get registers: No such process" or "Cannot fetch general-purpose registers for thread 1074119840: generic error" if I try to use "backtrace" or "print". I've read that gcc has to be compiled with an option --enable-checking to could use GDB and per default it isn't in distributions (I'm using Red Hat 9, gcc -v is confirming this [--disable-checking]). How can I recompile gcc or downloading an rpm where --enable-checking is activated? I don't want to use the method of gcc.gnu.org, I don't understand any thing! ;o) Thanks a lot! Greetz from Belgium