Sorry to have to ask what will probably seem like a stupid question. But
I'm kindof desperate here. I am trying to compile (with make) a program on
a RH 9 machine with gcc 3.2.2. The compilation fails with lots of parsing
errors, and it seems that all of the parsing errors are caused by gcc
failing to recognize C++ keywords such as class, public, etc. It would
seem, at least to my unexpert eye (I'm a newcomer to gcc), that gcc is
trying to compile this thing as a C program instead of as a C++
program. Yet I've been told that this program has been compiled
successfully on other Linux systems.
I've emailed the author of the program for advice but this person is either
ignoring me or is too busy to reply. It occurs to me that I might not ever
get a reply from the program's author, hence this plea for help.
I didn't want to include the whole Makefile in this message because it's
rather large. But does anybody out there have some suggestions for things
I should look for in the Makefile that might have some bearing on this
problem? Since I'm rather naive about gcc, I'd appreciate any advice on
how I could get started in troubleshooting this problem. Thanks very much.