I built 'gcj' on RH7.3 using gcc-3.3.3.tar.bz2. The build was successful (i.e. no errors) but when I try to compile something with it I get "internal compiler error: Segmentation fault". Here is the log ... inux-apps(earlm):~/code/java/embedded_caffeine3.0% gcj --main=CaffeineMarkEmbeddedApp -o CaffeineMarkEmbeddedApp CaffeineMarkEmbeddedApp.java CaffeineMarkEmbeddedApp.java:0: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source if appropriate. See <URL:http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions. Has anybody been able to build gcj to work on RH7.3? I followed instructions on http://gcc.gnu.org/java/build-snapshot.html. Here is summary of what i did ... ../gcc/configure --enable-threads=posix --prefix=/home/earlm/javac --enable-shared --enable-languages=c++,ja va make bootstrap make make install Didn't get any errors. -earlm