"ganesh.yadav"<ganesh.yadav@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Hi there, I was trying to compile the following source using gcc -march=pentium4 -msse2. However I get an error and am not able to understand why that is genearted. inline void test_sse2() { asm(".intel_syntax noprefix \n"); asm("mov eax, DWORD PTR[seq_b_ptr] n"); asm("movupd xmm0, [eax] \n") ; asm("mov eax, DWORD PTR[seq_a_ptr] \n"); asm("movupd xmm6, [eax]\n"); asm("movupd xmm1, mask \n"); asm("movupd xmm2, mask1\n"); asm("pand xmm6, xmm2\n"); asm("pslldq xmm6, 15\n"); asm("movupd xmm3, xmm6\n"); asm("movupd xmm4, xmm6\n"); asm("movupd xmm5, xmm6\n"); asm("emms \n") ; //switch back to FPU state. } /cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/GANESH~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/cccFHtaQ.s: Assembler messages: /cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/GANESH~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/cccFHtaQ.s:322: Error: no such instr uction: `popl %ebp' Iff I put this segemnent as spart of aa laargeer codde instead of writingg it as inline, it generates sevral movl and popl errors. I dont understand what I am missing. I know there are peoplee out there who have donee this, but i coulddnt find anything helpful using the search on gcc-help. Thaankss, Ganesh Get Your Private, Free E-mail from Indiatimes at http://email.indiatimes.com Buy The Best In BOOKS at http://www.bestsellers.indiatimes.com Bid for for Air Tickets @ Re.1 on Air Sahara Flights. Just log on to http://airsahara.indiatimes.com and Bid Now! Get Your Private, Free E-mail from Indiatimes at http://email.indiatimes.com Buy The Best In BOOKS at http://www.bestsellers.indiatimes.com Bid for for Air Tickets @ Re.1 on Air Sahara Flights. Just log on to http://airsahara.indiatimes.com and Bid Now!