I'm new to this gnu stuff to bear with me if this is a dumb ass question:
To write unix style socket and pthreads style code on a windows XP machine.
GNU G++ compiler, version 3.2
Cygwin package, the latest as installed from their website:
I have a dumb server.cpp which is this;
#include <sys/types.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { return 0};
Couldn't be much simpler than that, I think you'll agree....
However this fails to compile! All I've done is invoke the compiler and direct it to c:\cygwin\usr\include when searching the include path. It's bombing out with myriad errors in included source headers.
Whats the error here? Is this a G++ compiler version issue or a cygwin header issue? Again, all I want to do is program a socket client/server on this XP machine without having to use the MS socket API. Is there a preprocessor directive I need to issue with g++? I'm open to any suggestions but am at a loss at the moment.
Thanks much for any help you can provide.
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