Hi, I have made a program that uses fork to split it into two processes, and they use a message queue to communicated with each other. But it is not working and I have some questions. 1. First the child process creates this queue with the following command if( ( queueID = msgget( theKey, IPC_CREAT | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR ) ) < 0 ){ ... } I think this command will create the queue, and give read and write permitions to this and any other processes owned by this user that needs to read or write into this queue. Right? 2. Then the parent issues the same command to create the queue, and as it already exists ( I added a sleep of 1 second to assure that the child will be executed first ) the parent's queueID will be the same as the child's queueID. 3. When I excute this program both child and parent are unable to create the queue, and the errno returned is EACCES ( Permission Denied ). What is wrong with the permissions? Thanks, Andre __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it! http://webhosting.yahoo.com/ps/sb/