I've having a problem using gcc's inline assembly on a Pentium 3 running redhat linux: I'm working inside a __asm__("."); block and I'd like to execute a short (near relative) jump instruction. It doesn't seem to work. Instead, I get a near jump to an absolute position, so I figure that I'm doing something wrong. If anyone could help, I'd appreciate it.. When the instruction is executed, eip is set to 0x02, instead of being set to eip+2. I looked at the disassembly in gdb and the op-code I should be getting according to the Intel IA32 Instruction Set Reference is "EB" but instead I'm instead getting "E9". Again, any help would be appreciated. Perhaps there's a better way to jump to a relative position within an assembly block. -kris __asm__(" . JMP 0x02 # Should add 0x02 to eip, but instead, it sets eip to 0x02. . ");