Hi all, I'm using Linux slackware 9.1 and i use it as a web server . I would like to recompile some softwares because they where compiled with 486 -march option and i use an "AMD Duron 800 Mhz" CPU on one box and on another one i use an "AMD T-Bird 2200+" Wich flags do you advice me to use for each of them ? as far as i searched, i got theses conclusions : *for the AMD Duron 800 Mhz : CFLAGS=-O3 -mcpu=athlon -fomit-frame-pointer or CFLAGS=-O3 -march=athlon -fomit-frame-pointer What flags for C++ (g++) ? What's the associated environement variable ? CXXFLAGS ? *for the AMD T-Bird 2200+ : CFLAGS=-O3 -mcpu=athlon-tbird -fomit-frame-pointer Idem , what flags for g++ ? what environment variables ? I heard "-march" was deprecated so that i should use "-mpcu" .Is that right ? To have a minimum of significant perfs improve , some of my friends adviced me to recompile binutils , then glibc (2.3.2) , then gcc (3.3.2) , then re-binutils , then re-glibc , then re-gcc . If i have time i'm going to recompile my all system ... no worth ? what sould i recopiled at least ? I guess that my t-bird CPU is more supported on the latest version of GCC ... am i right ? :-) is that the same for my Duron ? PS: i'm neither a C nor C++ fluent user, i'm more an electric student than a computer student, so try to have the most simple explanation possible please, so that i wont annoy you for a too much long time :-) -- Rakotomandimby Mihamina Andrianifaharana Tel : + 33 2 38 76 43 65 http://stko.dyndns.info/