The following functions are giving wrong results for some of the inputs on gcc_ppc compiler with Dinkumware library. double _Sinh(double, double); float _FSinh(float, float); long double _LSinh(long double, long double); These are declared in <ymath.h> in Dinkumware library. These functions are supposed to behave as follows _Sinh(a, b) = sinh(a) * b But when the value of the the first argument('a') is in between [-0.55, 0) or (0, 0.55] I am getting wrong results. _Sinh(a, b) is returning a value equal to sinh(a), what ever may be the second argument, for the above range of values. For zero and values very near to it(like 0.00000013) and other values, I am getting right results. Here is the sample code. #include <ymath.h> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void verify(char * comment_string, double actual_value, double expected_value) { cout<<comment_string<<"\t\t"<<actual_value<<"\t\t"<<expected_value<<endl; } void main() { for(double value = -0.6; (value <= 0.6); value += 0.01) { cout<<"Angle : "<<value<<endl; verify("_Sinh with second arg as -1.2", _Sinh(value, -1.2), std::sinh(value) * -1.2); verify("_Sinh with second arg as -1.0", _Sinh(value, -1.0), std::sinh(value) * -1.0); verify("_Sinh with second arg as -0.9", _Sinh(value, -0.9), std::sinh(value) * -0.9); verify("_Sinh with second arg as -0.2", _Sinh(value, -0.2), std::sinh(value) * -0.2); verify("_Sinh with second arg as 0.0", _Sinh(value, 0.0), std::sinh(value) * 0.0); verify("_Sinh with second arg as 0.2", _Sinh(value, 0.2), std::sinh(value) * 0.2); verify("_Sinh with second arg as 0.9", _Sinh(value, 0.9), std::sinh(value) * 0.9); verify("_Sinh with second arg as 1.0", _Sinh(value, 1.0), std::sinh(value) * 1.0); verify("_Sinh with second arg as 1.2", _Sinh(value, 1.2), std::sinh(value) * 1.2); } verify("_Sinh for a value very near to zero", _Sinh(value, 0.00000013), std::sinh(value) * 0.00000013); } Observe that when the values for 'a' for _Sinh(a, b) are in the range [-0.6, -0.55] the results are correct, for [-0.55, 0.55] results are wrong(except for zero), for [0.55, 0.6] the results are correct. Can you please tell me if my observation is correct and why this is happening like this. Thanks, pavan.