I have a question about pointer dereference. Here's a mock-up of the situation:
class base_1 { /* pure abstract base class*/
virtual do_fun () = 0; // ... function
static base_1& get ( /*hash code*/ ) { return *(base_1*)GetHashedValue(/*hash code*/); } /* a safe cast */
class base_2 { /* pure abstract base class*/
virtual more_fun () = 0; // ... function
static base_2& get ( /*hash code*/ ) { return *(base_2*)GetHashedValue(/*hash code*/); } /* a safe cast */
class concrete : public base_1, public base_2 { // implements stuff };
... lots of code here ...
The concrete type is unknown at the user-interface for compile-time, e.g. there is compile-time code which mangles the type during compilation.
base_1::get(/*hash*/).do_fun(); // runs fine base_2::get(/*hash*/).do_fun(); // crashes
We can repair the code and make it work by doing the following:
static base_2& get( /* hash code */ ) { return *(base_2*)(GetHashedValue(/*hash code*/)+4); } /* add 4 */
Is this supposed to be this way? Where in the standard is it? Note that if you switch the order of the abstract base function, you have to switch the offsets. Now, one way or another I can control type-order at the library-user level and do compile-time generation of the correct offsets, so it's not a problem. Just VERY aggravating. Warnings are set to -Wall, there are none. There are no errors (it *does* compile).
Thanks in advance, -j.
Compiler: - MinGW(C/C++ only) Compiler 3.3.1 - Binutils 2.14.90 - Windows32 API 2.3 - MinGW Runtime Lirbraries 3.0 - GNU Debugger(GDB) 5.21 - GNU Make 3.80.0-3
Make: ################################################################# ## ## This Makefile Exported by MinGW DevStudio 2.0 ## Copyright (c) 2002 by Parinya Thipchart ## #################################################################
ifneq (,$(findstring Release, $(CFG))) override CFG = Release else override CFG = Debug endif
COMPILER_ROOT = C:\\Program Files\\MinGWStudio\\1.0\\MinGW\\ COMPILER_BIN = $(COMPILER_ROOT)bin\\ PROJECT = win-moa CC = $(COMPILER_BIN)g++.exe
ifeq ($(CFG),Debug) OBJ_DIR = Debug OUTPUT_DIR = Debug TARGET = win-moa.exe C_INCLUDE_DIRS = C_PREPROC = CFLAGS = --pipe -w -g2 -O0 -frtti -fexceptions RC_INCLUDE_DIRS = RC_PREPROC = RCFLAGS = LIB_DIRS = LIBS = LDFLAGS = --pipe -Wl,--subsystem,windows -mwindows endif
ifeq ($(CFG),Release) OBJ_DIR = Release OUTPUT_DIR = Release TARGET = win-moa.exe C_INCLUDE_DIRS = C_PREPROC = CFLAGS = --pipe -Wall -g0 -O2 -frtti -fexceptions RC_INCLUDE_DIRS = RC_PREPROC = RCFLAGS = LIB_DIRS = LIBS = LDFLAGS = --pipe -s -Wl,--subsystem,windows -mwindows endif
SRC_OBJS = \ $(OBJ_DIR)\main.o
define build_target
@if not exist "$(OUTPUT_DIR)" mkdir "$(OUTPUT_DIR)"
@echo Linking...
define compile_source @if not exist "$(OBJ_DIR)" mkdir "$(OBJ_DIR)" @echo Compiling $< @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(C_PREPROC) $(C_INCLUDE_DIRS) -c "$<" -o "$@" endef
.PHONY: print_header
$(TARGET): print_header $(SRC_OBJS) $(build_target)
.PHONY: clean cleanall
cleanall: @echo Deleting intermediate files for 'win-moa - $(CFG)' -@del $(OBJ_DIR)\*.o -@del "$(OUTPUT_DIR)\$(TARGET)"
clean: @echo Deleting intermediate files for 'win-moa - $(CFG)' -@del $(OBJ_DIR)\*.o
print_header: @echo ----------Configuration: win-moa - $(CFG)----------
$(OBJ_DIR)\main.o: main.cpp \ mcu_messagebox.h \ mcu_type_list.h \ mcu_search.h \ mcu_string_conversion.h \ mcu_common.h $(compile_source)