Hi Aaron, To port MSVC 5.1 code that has "#pragma intrinsic(memset)" stuff, just comment out the #pragma. That kind of #pragma is used in conjunction with built-ins that MSVC 5.1 has, which GCC does not have. If you are really ambitious, you can write your own memset routine. But I think that would be overkill. "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." ~ Donald Knuth Having an inline memset is a premature optimization, unless you already know that it is a bottleneck. And as far as memset routines go, you could write customized code that takes advantage of moving 32 or 64-bits around at a time, whereas a plain-and-simple/naïve memset moves only a byte around at a time. NOTE: I'm not claiming that any given compiler vendor's memset is necessarily a naïve implementation. I've seen memset routines that use the whole bandwidth of the data-bus when possible. HTH, --Eljay