On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 04:53:46PM +0200, wrote: > > I'm trying to compile a c++ program with gcc, but > everytime I'm using "new" to instantiate a new class > (or "delete" to dispose it) I'm getting an error > message, something like: > undefined operator new().... You forgot to include important information: 1) a short example program (if appropriate) 2) the command line used to compile the source 3) the exact error message the compiler provided However, my *guess* is, that you're trying to compile (resp. compile-n-link) C++ code using the 'gcc' command instead of the 'g++' command. Try 'g++ -o program program.cc'. -- Claudio Bley ASCII ribbon campaign (") Debian GNU/Linux user - against HTML email X http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~bley/ & vCards / \