From: skankin dan Sent: 2005 August 18 Thursday 16:52
ive aparently subscribed to be notified by email every time there is a
new msg regarding gaim.
problem is, i hate this. i dont want it. i cant remember my username
whatsoever. the email is d_underscore@xxxxxxxxxxx
if possible, please remove me from any subscribed threads.
I'm just another subscriber who happens to be familiar with
SourceForge's mailing lists. Normally you can unsubscribe yourself very
For any mail from any SourceForge group mailing list, the procedure is
the same, only the name of the mailing list differs.
From the mail account that is receiving messages from a list, send a
mail to group-listname-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the subject of
'unsunscribe' (without quotes). The message body can be blank.
In this particular case it would be as follows.
To: gaim-support-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: unsubscribe
Send the message and then you should receive a message asking for
confirmation of the unsubscription. Reply to that, the message can be
blank, but do not change the subject line, especially the confirmation
number. Leading 'Re: ' is fine. And that's all there is to it.
SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
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