[PATCH 5/5] fstests: remove old tools from tools directory

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From: Dave Chinner <dchinner@xxxxxxxxxx>

ag-wipe, db-walk, fs-walk and interop are all old 2000s era SGI QA
scripts that are either not usable anymore of have been superceded
by much more recent functionality.

interop only runs on machines with the host named "bruce" or
"whack", requires NFS mounts from a machine named "snort" and access
to a specific user's home dir. I know what all these were; they were
test and build machines in SGI's engineering office in Melbourne,
Australia. That went away in ~2009....

ag-wipe is unused and has been superceded by multiple different sets of
functionality (e.g. ./check --large-fs).

db-walk is unused by fstests and now is native xfs_db functionality.

fs-walk is dumping the md5sum and stat info of every file in a
directory heirachy and only used by the interop script....

Remove them all.

Signed-off-by: Dave Chinner <dchinner@xxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/ag-wipe | 171 ------------------------------------------------
 tools/db-walk | 178 --------------------------------------------------
 tools/fs-walk |  85 ------------------------
 tools/interop | 101 ----------------------------
 4 files changed, 535 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 tools/ag-wipe
 delete mode 100755 tools/db-walk
 delete mode 100755 tools/fs-walk
 delete mode 100755 tools/interop

diff --git a/tools/ag-wipe b/tools/ag-wipe
deleted file mode 100755
index 52acf0f80..000000000
--- a/tools/ag-wipe
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-use strict;
-use IO::File;
-use Getopt::Std;
-# Modify a filesystem's superblock and AGF metadata structures
-# so that only a subset of the allocation groups will be used.
-# Intended use is in testing large virtual devices (eg. loop)
-# with extremely large filesystems, where we want to ensure
-# high allocation groups are used as much as possible (where
-# the block addresses are large).
-my %opt;
-getopts('cf:l:qr:v', \%opt);
-die "Usage: $0 [-f AG] [-l AG] [-r bytes] [-cqv] device\n" unless (@ARGV == 1);
-my $device = shift @ARGV;
-die "$device: no such file\n" unless (-e $device);
-my $clearall = defined($opt{'c'}) ? 1 : 0;
-my $retain = defined($opt{'r'}) ? $opt{'r'} : -1;
-my $quiet = defined($opt{'q'}) ? 1 : 0;
-my $verbose = defined($opt{'v'}) ? 1 : 0;
-my $nagfirst = defined($opt{'f'}) ? $opt{'f'} : 0;
-my $naglast = defined($opt{'l'}) ? $opt{'l'} : 0;
-# "clearall" means clear everything barring the final AG.
-# "retain" means clearall and retain a specified amount in the
-# second-from-last AG as well (value is the number of bytes).
-# [NB: retain with a value of zero is now the same as clearall].
-if ($retain >= 0) {
-	$clearall = 1;
-sub xfs_db {
-	my $xfsdb = 'xfs_db -x';
-	my %hash;
-	foreach (@_) {
-		$xfsdb .= ' -c ' . $_;
-	}
-	print $xfsdb, ' ', $device, "\n" if ($verbose);
-	die unless open(DB, "$xfsdb $device 2>/dev/null |");
-	while (<DB>) {
-		if (/^(\S+) = (.*)$/) {
-			print if ($verbose);
-			$hash{$1} = $2;
-		}
-	}
-	return %hash;
-# Stage 1: Get control information from the superblock
-my @sbprint = ( '"print fdblocks"', '"print agcount"', '"print blocksize"' );
-my @agffree = ( '"print freeblks"' );
-my %sb = xfs_db 'sb', @sbprint;
-print "=== Initially ", $sb{'fdblocks'}, " blocks free across ",
-	$sb{'agcount'}, " AGs\n" unless $quiet;
-if ($clearall && ($nagfirst || $naglast)) {
-	print STDERR "  o Clearall/retain specified with first/last AG\n";
-	exit(1);
-if ($nagfirst >= $sb{'agcount'}) {
-	print STDERR "  o First AG number is too large\n";
-	exit(1);
-if ($naglast >= $sb{'agcount'}) {
-	print STDERR "  o Last AG number is too large\n";
-	exit(1);
-if ($naglast - $nagfirst < 0) {
-	print STDERR "  o No AGs to clear\n";
-	exit(1);
-if ($clearall) {
-	$naglast = $sb{'agcount'} - 2;
-	if ($retain > 0) {
-		my %check;
-		$naglast--;
-		$retain /= $sb{'blocksize'};	# convert to fsblocks
-		%check = xfs_db "'agf $naglast'", @agffree;
-		if ($check{'freeblks'} < $retain) {
-			print STDERR "  o Insufficient space to retain\n";
-			exit(1);
-		}
-	}
-# Stage 2: Wipe out all completely masked allocation groups.
-my @agfprint = ( '"print freeblks"', '"print flcount"' );
-my @agfcommands = ( '"write freeblks 0"',
-			'"write longest 0"', '"write flcount 0"',
-			'"write bnolevel 1"', '"write cntlevel 1"',
-			'"write flfirst 0"', '"write fllast 0"' );
-my @bnoprint = ( '"addr bnoroot"', '"print numrecs"' );
-my @bnocommands = ( '"addr bnoroot"', '"write numrecs 0"',
-			'"write leftsib -1"', '"write rightsib -1"' );
-my @cntprint = ( '"addr cntroot"', '"print numrecs"' );
-my @cntcommands = ( '"addr cntroot"', '"write numrecs 0"',
-			'"write leftsib -1"', '"write rightsib -1"' );
-print "=== Wiping ", $naglast - $nagfirst + 1,
-	" AGs starting from AG #", $nagfirst, "\n" unless $quiet;
-my $ag = $nagfirst;
-while ($ag <= $naglast) {
-	print "  o AG#", $ag, " AGF fields\n" unless $quiet;
-	my %agf = xfs_db "'agf $ag'", @agfprint;
-	xfs_db "'agf $ag'", @agfcommands;
-	my $blockcnt = $agf{'freeblks'} + $agf{'flcount'};
-	$sb{'fdblocks'} -= $blockcnt;
-	print "     cleared ", $blockcnt, " blocks from AG#", $ag, "\n"
-		unless $quiet;
-	my %btree = xfs_db "'agf $ag'", @bnoprint;
-	xfs_db "'agf $ag'", @bnocommands, "'agf $ag'", @cntcommands;
-	print "     cleared ", $btree{'numrecs'}, " BNO/CNT btree recs in AG#",
-		$ag, "\n" unless $quiet;
-	$ag++;
-# Stage 3: Wipe out any partially masked allocation group.
-if ($retain > 0) {
-	print "  o AG#", $ag, " AGF fields (partial)\n" unless $quiet;
-	my %ragf = xfs_db "'agf $ag'", '"print freeblks"',
-		'"addr bnoroot"', '"print recs[1].startblock"';
-	my $maskblks = $ragf{'freeblks'} - $retain;
-	my $newstart = $ragf{'recs[1].startblock'} + $maskblks;
-	xfs_db "'agf $ag'",
-		"'write freeblks $retain'", "'write longest $retain'",
-		"'agf $ag'", '"addr bnoroot"',
-		"'write recs[1].startblock $newstart'",
-		"'write recs[1].blockcount $retain'",
-		"'agf $ag'", '"addr cntroot"',
-		"'write recs[1].startblock $newstart'",
-		"'write recs[1].blockcount $retain'";
-	$sb{'fdblocks'} -= $maskblks;
-	print "     cleared ", $maskblks, " blocks from AG#", $ag, "\n"
-		unless $quiet;
-print "=== Updating final freespace count, ", $sb{'fdblocks'}, " blocks\n"
-	unless $quiet;
-xfs_db "'sb 0'", "'write fdblocks $sb{'fdblocks'}'"
diff --git a/tools/db-walk b/tools/db-walk
deleted file mode 100755
index e09920559..000000000
--- a/tools/db-walk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# use db to try to traverse the entire filesystem starting at the root
-my $device;
-my $rootino;
-my $agcount;
-my $versionnum;
-my $dir_version;
-my @dir_inodes;
-my @bmap_blocks;
-my @block_inodes;
-my $mode;
-sub db($)
-    my ($args)=@_;
-    my ($ret);
-    $ret=`xfs_db -r $args $device 2> /dev/null`;
-    die "ERROR executing xfs_db -r $args $device" if ($?);
-    return $ret;
-sub fmt($)
-    my ($text)=@_;
-    my $c=0;
-    print "        ";
-    foreach (split("\n",$text)) {
-        s/^core\.//;
-        if ($c+length($_) >= 70) {
-            $c=0;
-            print ",\n        ";
-        }
-        if ($c) {
-            print ", ";
-            $c+=2;
-        }
-        print "$_";
-        $c+=length($_)+2;
-    }
-    print "\n";
-sub inode($)
-    my ($num)=@_;
-    my ($t);
-    @dir_inodes=();
-    $t=db("-c \"inode $num\" -c \"print\"");
-    print "    *** Inode $num\n";
-    fmt($t);
-    ($mode)= $t=~ /^core.mode = (\d+)$/m;
-    if ($t=~ /a\.bmx/m) {
-        bmap("inode $num","attr");
-        foreach (@bmap_blocks) {
-            attr_block($_);
-        }
-    }
-    if (eval "$mode & 040000") {
-        if ( $t=~ /sfdir/m) {
-            while ($t=~ /inumber(?:\.i[48])? = (\d+)$/mg) {
-                push(@dir_inodes,$1);
-            }
-        }
-        if ( $t=~ /u\.bmx/m) {
-            bmap("inode $num","dir");
-            foreach (@bmap_blocks) {
-                dir_block($_);
-                push(@dir_inodes,@block_inodes);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        bmap("inode $num","file") if ( $t=~ /u\.bmx/m);
-    }
-sub bmap($$)
-    my ($cmd,$type)=@_;
-    my ($t);
-    @bmap_blocks=();
-    $flag=($type eq "attr")?"-a":"";
-    $t=db("-c \"$cmd\" -c \"bmap $flag\"");
-    print "    *** bmap $type $cmd\n";
-    fmt($t);
-    if ($type eq "dir" || $type eq "attr") {
-        while ($t=~ /startblock (\d+) \(.+\) count (\d+)/mg) {
-            for ($b=$1;$b<$1+$2;$b++) {
-                push(@bmap_blocks,$b);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-sub dir_block($)
-    my ($num)=@_;
-    my ($t);
-    @block_inodes=();
-    $type=($dir_version==2)?"dir2":"dir";
-    $t=db("-c \"fsblock $num\" -c \"type $type\" -c \"print\"");
-    print "    *** $type block $num\n";
-    # need to drop . and ..
-    ($self)= $t=~ /\[(\d+)\].name = \"\.\"/m;
-    ($parent)= $t=~ /\[(\d+)\].name = \"\.\.\"/m;
-    fmt($t);
-    while ($t=~ /\[(\d+)\].inumber = (\d+)/mg) {
-        next if (defined $self && $1 == $self);
-        next if (defined $parent && $1 == $parent);
-        push(@block_inodes, $2);
-    }
-sub attr_block($)
-    my ($num)=@_;
-    my ($t);
-    $t=db("-c \"fsblock $num\" -c \"type attr\" -c \"print\"");
-    print "    *** attr block $num\n";
-    fmt($t);
-sub sb($)
-    my ($num)=@_;
-    my ($t);
-    $t=db("-c \"sb $num\" -c \"print\"");
-    print "    *** SB $num\n";
-    fmt($t);
-    ($rootino)= $t=~ /^rootino = (\d+)$/m;
-    ($agcount)= $t=~ /^agcount = (\d+)$/m;
-    ($versionnum)= $t=~ /^versionnum = (0x[\da-f]+)$/m;
-    $dir_version = (eval "$versionnum & 0x2000")?2:1;
-die "Usage: $0 <XFS device>\n" unless (@ARGV == 1);
-$device=shift @ARGV;
-die "can't read $device\n" unless (-r $device);
-die "$device is not a block device\n" unless (-b _);
-chomp($HOST = `hostname -s`);
-print "*** db-walk host $HOST device $device\n";
-for ($ag=1;$ag<$agcount;$ag++) {
-    sb($ag);
-while ($_ = shift @inodes) {
-    inode($_);
-    push(@inodes,@dir_inodes);
diff --git a/tools/fs-walk b/tools/fs-walk
deleted file mode 100755
index 918e1ad67..000000000
--- a/tools/fs-walk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# traverse the entire filesystem dumping info.
-use MD5;
-use Getopt::Std;
-my %opt;
-sub scan($)
-    my ($file)=@_;
-    my ($md5)=new MD5;
-    my (@stat);
-    unless (@stat=lstat("$file")) {
-        printf("%-" . ($opt{v}?65:32) . "s $file\n", "!!! could not lstat");
-        return;
-    }
-    $stat[0]=$stat[8]=""; # wipe the device and access time
-    $md5->reset;
-    $md5->add(join(" ",@stat));
-    print join(" ",@stat), "\n";
-    if ($opt{v}) {
-        print $md5->hexdigest . " ";
-        $md5->reset;
-    }
-    if (-l "$file") {
-        if (!defined($link = readlink $file)) {
-            printf("%-32s $file\n", "!!! could not readlink");
-            return;
-        }
-        $md5->add($link);
-    } elsif (-f "$file") {
-        if (!open(FILE, "$file")) {
-            printf("%-32s $file\n", "!!! could not read");
-            return;
-        }
-        $md5->addfile(FILE);
-        close (FILE);
-    }
-    print $md5->hexdigest . " $file\n";
-getopts('vs', \%opt);
-die "Usage: $0 <dir>\n" unless (@ARGV == 1);
-$dir=shift @ARGV;
-die "can't read $dir\n" unless (-r $dir);
-die "$dir is not a directory\n" unless (-d _);
-chomp($HOST = `hostname -s`);
-print "*** fs-walk host $HOST dir $dir\n";
-while ($dir = shift @todo) {
-    scan($dir);
-    unless (opendir(DIR,$dir)) {
-        printf("%-" . ($opt{v}?65:32) . "s $dir\n", "!!! could not opendir");
-        next;
-    }
-    unless (@all=readdir(DIR)) {
-        printf("%-" . ($opt{v}?65:32) . "s $dir\n", "!!! could not readdir");
-        next;
-    }
-    closedir(DIR);
-    @dirs=grep(-d "$dir/$_" && !-l "$dir/$_", @all);
-    foreach (@all) {
-        next if /^\.\.?$/;
-        scan("$dir/$_");
-    }
-    foreach (grep(!/^\.\.?$/, @dirs)) {
-        push (@todo,"$dir/$_");
-    }
diff --git a/tools/interop b/tools/interop
deleted file mode 100755
index dc1652c2b..000000000
--- a/tools/interop
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2001 Silicon Graphics, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-sub setup()
-    $PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin/ptools:/sbin:/usr/sbin";
-    $DISPLAY="clouds:0";
-    if ("$HOST" eq "bruce") {
-        $TOOLS="/home/dxm/isms/slinx-xfs/cmd/xfs/tools";
-        $SCRATCH_DEV="/dev/sdf1";
-        $SCRATCH_MNT="/mnt/xfs3";
-        $MKFS="/sbin/mkfs -t xfs -f";
-        $SUDO="/home/dxm/su -c";
-        $MOUNT="/bin/mount -t xfs";
-        $UMOUNT="/bin/umount";
-        $MKFS_EXTRA="-f";
-    } elsif ("$HOST" eq "whack") {
-        $TOOLS="/hosts/snort/build1/people/dxm/isms/slinx-xfs/cmd/xfs/tools";
-        $SCRATCH_DEV="/dev/dsk/20000080e5114459/lun2s0/c2p1";
-        $SCRATCH_MNT="/lun2";
-        $MKFS="/sbin/mkfs";
-        $SUDO="su root -c";
-        $MOUNT="/sbin/mount -t xfs";
-        $UMOUNT="/sbin/umount";
-        $MKFS_EXTRA="";
-    } else {
-        die "unconfigured host \"$HOST\"\n"
-    }
-sub run_no_check(@)
-    system(@_);
-sub run(@)
-    system(@_)  == 0
-        || die "ERROR \"" . join(" ",@_) . "\" returned error\n";
-sub run_expect_fail(@)
-    system(@_)  == 0
-        && die "ERROR \"" . join(" ",@_) . "\" returned non-error\n";
-sub umount_no_check()
-    run_no_check("umount $SCRATCH_DEV");
-sub umount()
-    run("umount $SCRATCH_DEV");
-sub mount($)
-    my ($ops)=@_;
-    run("mount -t xfs $ops $SCRATCH_DEV $SCRATCH_MNT");
-chomp($HOST=`hostname -s`);
-die "usage: $ARGV0 <operation> [parameters]\n" unless (scalar(@ARGV));
-print "*** $HOST: Interop started\n";
-print "    *** ", join(" ", @ARGV), "\n";
-if ($op eq "init") {
-    run("mkfs -t xfs $MKFS_EXTRA $SCRATCH_DEV");
-} elsif ($op eq "test") {
-    run("xfs_repair -n $SCRATCH_DEV");
-} elsif ($op eq "easy") {
-    mount("");
-    system("mount");
-    mkdir("$SCRATCH_MNT/fish",0777);
-} elsif ($op eq "check") {
-    mount("-o ro");
-    system("cd $SCRATCH_MNT ; $TOOLS/fs-walk .");
-} else {
-    die "unknown operation \"$op\"\n";

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