Re: [PATCH v2] check: Fix fs specfic imports when $FSTYPE!=$OLD_FSTYPE

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On 1/31/25 21:54, Darrick J. Wong wrote:
On Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 06:49:50PM +0530, Nirjhar Roy (IBM) wrote:
On 1/29/25 21:32, Darrick J. Wong wrote:
On Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 04:48:10PM +0530, Nirjhar Roy (IBM) wrote:
On 1/28/25 23:39, Darrick J. Wong wrote:
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 05:00:22AM +0000, Nirjhar Roy (IBM) wrote:
Bug Description:

_test_mount function is failing with the following error:
./common/rc: line 4716: _xfs_prepare_for_eio_shutdown: command not found
check: failed to mount /dev/loop0 on /mnt1/test

when the second section in local.config file is xfs and the first section
is non-xfs.

It can be easily reproduced with the following local.config file

export FSTYP=ext4
export TEST_DEV=/dev/loop0
export TEST_DIR=/mnt1/test
export SCRATCH_DEV=/dev/loop1
export SCRATCH_MNT=/mnt1/scratch

export FSTYP=xfs
export TEST_DEV=/dev/loop0
export TEST_DIR=/mnt1/test
export SCRATCH_DEV=/dev/loop1
export SCRATCH_MNT=/mnt1/scratch

./check selftest/001

Root cause:
When _test_mount() is executed for the second section, the FSTYPE has
already changed but the new fs specific common/$FSTYP has not yet
been done. Hence _xfs_prepare_for_eio_shutdown() is not found and
the test run fails.

Remove the additional _test_mount in check file just before ". commom/rc"
since ". commom/rc" is already sourcing fs specific imports and doing a

Fixes: 1a49022fab9b4 ("fstests: always use fail-at-unmount semantics for XFS")
Signed-off-by: Nirjhar Roy (IBM) <nirjhar.roy.lists@xxxxxxxxx>
    check | 12 +++---------
    1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/check b/check
index 607d2456..5cb4e7eb 100755
--- a/check
+++ b/check
@@ -784,15 +784,9 @@ function run_section()
-		if ! _test_mount
Don't we want to _test_mount the newly created filesystem still?  But
perhaps after sourcing common/rc ?

common/rc calls init_rc() in the end and init_rc() already does a
_test_mount. _test_mount after sourcing common/rc will fail, won't it? Does
that make sense?

      # make some further configuration checks here
      if [ "$TEST_DEV" = ""  ]
          echo "common/rc: Error: \$TEST_DEV is not set"
          exit 1

      # if $TEST_DEV is not mounted, mount it now as XFS
      if [ -z "`_fs_type $TEST_DEV`" ]
          # $TEST_DEV is not mounted
          if ! _test_mount
              echo "common/rc: retrying test device mount with external set"
              [ "$USE_EXTERNAL" != "yes" ] && export USE_EXTERNAL=yes
              if ! _test_mount
                  echo "common/rc: could not mount $TEST_DEV on $TEST_DIR"
                  exit 1
ahahahaha yes it does.

/commit message reading comprehension fail, sorry about that.

Though now that you point it out, should check elide the init_rc call
about 12 lines down if it re-sourced common/rc ?
Yes, it should. init_rc() is getting called twice when common/rc is getting
re-sourced. Maybe I can do like

if $RECREATE_TEST_DEV || [ "$OLD_FSTYP" != "$FSTYP" ]; then


     . common/rc # changes in this patch




     init_rc() # explicitly adding an init_rc() for this condition


     init_rc() # # explicitly adding an init_rc() for all other conditions.
This will prevent init_rc() from getting called twice during re-sourcing


What do you think?
Sounds fine as a mechanical change, but I wonder, should calling init_rc
be explicit?  There are not so many places that source common/rc:

$ git grep 'common/rc'
check:362:if ! . ./common/rc; then
check:836:              . common/rc
common/preamble:52:     . ./common/rc
soak:7:. ./common/rc
tests/generic/749:18:. ./common/rc

(I filtered out the non-executable matches)

I think the call in generic/749 is unnecessary and I don't know what
soak does.  But that means that one could insert an explicit call to
init_rc at line 366 and 837 in check and at line 53 in common/preamble,
and we can clean up one more of those places where sourcing a common/
file actually /does/ something quietly under the covers.

Okay just to clear my understanding, do you mean that the call to init_rc() be removed from common/rc file and the places which actually need the call to init_rc, explicitly calls init_rc() instead of sourcing ". common/rc" and making common/rc do something under the cover?


(Unless the maintainer is ok with the status quo...?)


Reviewed-by: "Darrick J. Wong" <djwong@xxxxxxxxxx>




-		then
-			echo "check: failed to mount $TEST_DEV on $TEST_DIR"
-			status=1
-			exit
-		fi
-		# TEST_DEV has been recreated, previous FSTYP derived from
-		# TEST_DEV could be changed, source common/rc again with
-		# correct FSTYP to get FSTYP specific configs, e.g. common/xfs
+		# Previous FSTYP derived from TEST_DEV could be changed, source
+		# common/rc again with correct FSTYP to get FSTYP specific configs,
+		# e.g. common/xfs
    		. common/rc
    	elif [ "$OLD_TEST_FS_MOUNT_OPTS" != "$TEST_FS_MOUNT_OPTS" ]; then

Nirjhar Roy
Linux Kernel Developer
IBM, Bangalore

Nirjhar Roy
Linux Kernel Developer
IBM, Bangalore

Nirjhar Roy
Linux Kernel Developer
IBM, Bangalore

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