I have a particular dislike of random tests. They make it harder to figure out when a bug has been fixed. What's worse is when the test gives you enough information to make it reproducible, and we throw that away. I made the following change to find out the random seed that fsx was using for this test: +++ b/tests/generic/112 @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ _do_test() # This cd and use of -P gets full debug on "$RESULT_DIR" (not TEST_DEV) cd $out - if ! $here/ltp/fsx $_param -P "$RESULT_DIR" $FSX_AVOID $seq.$_n &>/dev/null + if ! $here/ltp/fsx $_param -P "$RESULT_DIR" $FSX_AVOID $seq.$_n &>"$RESULT_DIR"/fsx.stdouterr then echo " fsx ($_param) returned $? - see $seq.$_n.full" mv "$RESULT_DIR"/$seq.$_n.fsxlog $seqres.$_n.full I'm sure somebody can do something better than that which would actually result in it being automatically preserved-on-failure/deleted-on-success.