Just for informational purposes for others: I tested compiling with and without this patches to see how much it increases binary size. Omnia (armv7a) Mox (aarch64) with old btrfs 52900 (51.7 KB) 55456 (54.2 KB) with new btrfs 76176 (74.4 KB) 75480 (73.7 KB) diff 23276 (22.7 KB) 20024 (19.5 KB) increase driver 44% 36% increase u-boot 3.46% 2.81% (I don't actually care much, this is not too much, this is something that can maybe be reduced by using some optimizations which u-boot does not support yet and also there should be enough storage for u-boot on Mox and Omnia. But maybe someone else will care enough.)