Re: fontconfig: Branch 'master'

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On 12-12-08 07:07 AM, Akira TAGOH wrote:> so that would be nice if there are >
so that would be nice if there are any way to see malloc-stats
> without paying a lot of attentions into the code to do.

behdad:~ 0$
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"
          TOTAL                MALLOC              REALLOC
     num        size      num        size      num        size
       1          16        1          16        0           0 FcBlanksCreate()
       1          16        1          16        0           0
       1       4,115        1       4,115        0           0
       1      32,808        1      32,808        0           0 __alloc_dir()
       2          96        2          96        0           0 FcLangSetCreate()
       2         128        2         128        0           0
       2         384        1         128        1         256 FcBlanksAdd()
       3          65        3          65        0           0 FcStrCopyFilename()
       4          64        4          64        0           0 FcFontSetCreate()
       5      32,848        5      32,848        0           0 FcConfigCreate()
       6          81        6          81        0           0 FcConfigFilename()
       7         168        7         168        0           0 FcStrSetCreate()
      12         288       12         288        0           0 FcPatternCreate()
      12         384       12         384        0           0 FcMatrixCopy()
      12       1,840       12       1,840        0           0 FcDirCacheUnlink()
      14      20,480        3         768       11      19,712 FcFontSetAdd()
      17       6,144       12       3,072        5       3,072 FcPatternDestroy()
      37       2,120       37       2,120        0           0 FcBlanksIsMember()
      38         608       38         608        0           0 FcStrListCreate()
      38       2,587       38       2,587        0           0 FcStrPlus()
      42       1,968       42       1,968        0           0 FcMatrixShear()
      44       1,358       44       1,358        0           0
      56       2,239       56       2,239        0           0 FcCacheNumFont()
      92       2,944       92       2,944        0           0 FcValueSave()
     104     107,744      104     107,744        0           0 [0x4678] ??() ??:0
     104   1,191,686      104   1,191,686        0           0 XML_GetBuffer()
     105       4,195      105       4,195        0           0 FcStrCopy()
     139      71,168      139      71,168        0           0 [0x4995] ??() ??:0
     148      29,272      148      29,272        0           0 FcStrSetMember()
     208     147,264      208     147,264        0           0 XML_ParserFree()
     217       6,944      217       6,944        0           0 [0xb10f] ??() ??:0
     217      19,096      217      19,096        0           0 [0xb0fb] ??() ??:0
     269       4,888      265       3,352        4       1,536 FcUtf16Len()
     296       7,928      296       7,928        0           0
     308       9,837      308       9,837        0           0
     461      14,752      461      14,752        0           0 FcStrListDone()
     494      18,640      494      18,640        0           0 [0x4a55] ??() ??:0
    3519   1,747,163     3498   1,722,587       21      24,576 (total)
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